Who I am

Hello! I’m Art.ificer, a teenage freelance artist trying to make her way in the world. Art.ificer was founded when I was 15 and in a tough mental situation. Making art has always been my passion, and when I realized I could create a business out of it, I poured my entire heart and soul into it. Three years later, I’m in a much better mental space, and my business is basically my child!

My other ‘child’ is my webtoon, Vona! Created from years of planning (I started making my characters in middle school), Vona is one of those projects I just can’t let go of. And now, you can read it too!

Here’s some other silly facts about me :)

I love: hiking, drawing, listening to music, baking, cosplaying, reading/making comics, exploring, traveling, making videos, and watching video essays!

Anyways, thank’s for taking the time to read this little page!

Contact me

Interested in working together? if you’d like to sponsor or work with me, feel free to reach out!